
Dr. Harumi Gomi, MD, MPH

Chairman of the Internationalization Committee of the JSME (Japan Society for Medical Education)

Speaker's Biography

Dr. Gomi graduated from Okayama University Medical School, Japan. She completed her residency in internal medicine at Beth Israel Mount Sinai in New York and a fellowship in infectious diseases at the University of Texas-Houston, Texas, the United States. She obtained the master's degree in public health (MPH) from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, Maryland, the United States, and the master's degree in health professions education (MHPE) from Maastricht University, the Netherlands, and a Ph.D. candidate at Maastricht University, the Netherlands.

Previously, she served as Assistant Professor at Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, Springfield, Illinois in the United States, Associate Professor of Medicine at Jichi Medical University, and Professor of Medicine, the University of Tsukuba in Japan.

She has also been extensively involved in health professions education by serving as a Trustee, Japan Society for Medical Education, and giving multiple invited talks/lectures at national and international conferences such as the Association of Medical Education for Europe (AMEE) and Asian Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC). She is a committee member of Continuing Professional Development Committee, AMEE, as of September 2021.

She currently serves as a member of the National Medical Licensure Examination Committee, Mistry of Health and Welfare, Japan, and an investigation team member, the National Core Curriculum Reform Project, Mistry of Education (MEXT), Japan.

She has been actively involved in antimicrobial stewardship nationally and internationally. She is an Executive Board Member for the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games 2020. She is one of the Committee members of Cabinet of Japan for preventing antimicrobial resistance, also serves as an advisory expert board member for Surgical Site Infections, World Society of Emergency Surgery, and for intra-abdominal infections, International Congress of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy (ICC), and the lead author of Tokyo Guidelines 2018 (TG 18), International Practice Guidelines for acute biliary tract infections.


Strategically Involving Students as Collaborators to Promote Self-directed Learning in Traditional Teacher-centered Environment in Japan


Outcome-based education is a current standard for medical education. It requires a significant mind-shift among faculty members from teacher-centered to student-centered education. In addition, students need to be trained as independent learners for self-directed learning to achieve designated outcomes on graduation.

In Japan, until high school, passive learning and factual recall assessment have prevailed, and it has been a challenge for medical schools to motivate students for self-directed learning.

In this presentation, I will share the experiences and current reform in the National Core Curriculum in Medical Education in Japan and strategically utilize the sociocultural context to promote the modern health profession's education. Approaches involving students as collaborators for course design and provision may be an effective solution.

© 2021《The Impact and Response of the Medical Professional Education in the Post-pandemic Era》International Conference
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