Congratulatory Remarks

Mrs. Sirima Leelawongs

Director of Nursing Division, Office of the Permanent Secretary of MOPH in Thailand

Honorable Superintendent of CCH

Distinguished colleagues, ladies and gentlemen,

It is a great pleasure to congratulate you on the 125th CCH Anniversary and appreciate you and your team to organize such a wonderful International Conference on "The Impact and Response of the Medical Professional Education in the Post-Pandemic Era".

This conference has been addressed various issues around the impact and response of medical education in the post COVID-19 pandemic and what is to be learned from "past" and "recent" experiences in order to invent possible alternative transformations of medical profession in the future.

I firmly believe that this event will provide a great opportunity to exchange ideas and to share knowledge that leads to a new paradigm for the development of medical education and other related issues. Please accept my warmest greeting and gratitude for your attendance and contribution.

Thank you.

© 2021《The Impact and Response of the Medical Professional Education in the Post-pandemic Era》International Conference
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